RCM MC 16-19 Newsletter – 2

December 30, 2016

Disclaimer – This letter was circulated to members by RCM MC on 30th Dec., 2016. Contacts and programmes may not be currently valid. The letter is for record of history. Use your discretion before you extend validity.

Dear All, 

Greetings from RCM MC.

Here are the highlights of colony development achieved by each committee since the last update sent on 19th September ’16.

I.The RCM CnB Committee:

1. Roadside levelling & cleaning of storm water drains

2. Cleaning drives by volunteers organized on 2nd October & 6th November(first Sunday of each month) – which are planned as a regular monthly feature going forward

3. Beautification drive of 2 specific spots organized on 4th December

4. Shifting the trash sorting point of Swach from the chowk to area near RCM office.

5. Regulating & monitoring the colony’s weekly cleaning schedule so as to cover all parts of the colony

6.Coordination with Swach for a colony-wide wet and dry waste disposal solution

7. Coordination with PMC for tree trimming and regulating green truck visits.

8. Segregation of wet and dry waste

9. Activation of wet waste composting pits in several societies

10.Coordination with PMC for fumigation

11.   Cleaning and clearing of Children’s Park

II. The RCM SSLM Committee:

1. Regulation of entry into the colony after 10pm through distribution of vehicle stickers

2.Examined and Fixed some of the non-functional RCM- owned street lights

3. Fixed few new LED flood lights in dark areas on East & West sides of the colony

4.  Construction of toilet inside the security cabin for use of security & cleaning staff.

5. Revised security arrangements.

III. The RCM Roads & Storm Water Drains Committee:

1. Cleaning of Roadsides & Storm water drains jointly with CnB

2. Thorough scrutiny and analysis of Road condition and quotations reviewed

3. Road crossings affected by poor workmanship of MNGL is being discussed with them for repair.

4. Road patchwork completed .

IV.The RCM SCE Committee:

a. Events:

1. With an aim to promote social interaction and lend a boost to business within the community, SCE organised Funfair 2016 in October.

The stalls were rented by colony residents but clientele came in from as far as Kothrud and beyond.

2. On account of Children’s Day, a Fun and Learn day was organized. This day consisted of the Kidxpressions Drawing Contest, a tote bag making workshop and a discourse on “Art as a Career Choice”.

b. Social Connect Clubs:

In order to establish social connect through common interests, Social Clubs were formed,

1. The Hooked to Books (HtoB) Club, led by Bipin Kaushal (Mont Vert Celeste).

The HtoB club had its meeting and subsequently a presentation by Mr. Satish Sangawar on “Mrityunjay” novel was organized   

2.The Paws for a Cause (PforC) club led by Ms.Jugneet Sikka, (Rustic dale).The PforC organized an awareness programme for children on Snakes – species found in Ramnagar – Caution, Precautions & Care

3.The Kindness Club for lessons in Value Education for Children led by Mrs. Jyoti Kumta was announced.

4. The Ramnagar Ladies Whatsapp group was formed.

V.The RCM Procurement & Contracting Committee highlights:

1. Mrs. Neela Rajwade coordinated with MNGL reps and fresh deadline of 31st December’16 was given for gas pipeline work completion

2. Quotations of Roads repairs & Security agencies were scrutinized and work orders issued.                                           ————————
Regards & Best wishes for the New Year 2017,Vice President, for RCM MC
Ramnagar Colony Mandal